The Greatest Cure for Grief


In Judaism, there’s a tradition to light a memorial candle on the eve of a loved one’s anniversary of death – a yahrzeit candle. Last night, was one for my mom.

The candle burns for up to 26 hours. As I rush through my day, it ensures I pause and allows me to focus on memories of tremendous joy, tremendous sadness and everything in between.

My mom was brilliant and beautiful both inside and out. She never took ownership of her talents. She poured herself into raising four kids, my dad’s professional life and always, always made time to be a very active member of her community. She was a role model to many. 

Her death gave me a gift. While I was grieving someone shared with me, “The greatest gift for grief is action.” Being a very active community supporter of Hospice of the Chesapeake has been part of my life for 18 years. On my mom’s yarhzeit, I’ve decided to put a pause on 18 years of active commitment to Hospice of the Chesapeake. I’m pretty certain I left my part of the campsite better than I found it and supporting hospice care will always be part of my life but it’s time for a pause. 

If you haven’t had hospice care touch your life yet, most assuredly you will in. When it’s time to move beyond your grief, take action. It’s a way to live a life with purpose. Now, on to another campsite

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