Science + Technology

Cannabis science and technology connects researchers, scientists, business and entrepreneurs. Learn recommended quality standards across the cannabis industry supply chain to improve efficiencies centered on providing affordable cannabis therapeutics and to provide quality patient care.

Cannabis Testing

Opinion: Beyond the Colony Count: Cannabis Testing Must Evolve

Let's be blunt: the cannabis industry has a dirty little secret. While we celebrate legalization and a booming market, our testing standards lag dangerously...
The tumbleweed of grief

Treating Grief + Medical Cannabis

Grief is a multifaceted emotional response to loss, manifesting uniquely in each individual and often unpredictably over time. Its symptoms can range widely, from...

Cannabis Product Testing: Pass or Fail?

In any industry, third-party or independent lab testing provides validation for the manufacturer’s safety and label claims on any product intended for consumption. The...

Formulation Considerations for Asthma Treatment with CBD MDI

CBD delivered by a MDI is an efficacious treatment for asthma. Formulation for the product requires specific considerations.

Chronic Pain: Transdermal Cannabinoid v Opioid Therapy

Pain control is the most common use for medical cannabis in the United States. While cannabis isn’t strong enough for severe pain, e.g. post-surgical pain or...